Quarantining and getting back to work in Western Australia during COVID19
/People coming back to Western Australia for FIFO (Fly-in fly-out) and DIDO (Drive in drive out) work may be finding it hard to patch together what their obligations are during the COVID-19 pandemic. With the added complication of regional, state, and national border restrictions – how do you start planning your post-COVID-19 entry to work when you need to cross these borders? We have done the research for you and have some great ideas on how you can meet your quarantine obligations!
The following was updated on May 25th, 2020 and was correct at the time of publishing.
Do your research
Western Australia’s Premier Mark McGowan, along with other state and territory premiers, have made decisions about what restrictions are in place at the moment. This includes an International border closure, state border closure and restricted access to certain regions. As this is an ever changing situation, you can review the most up to date details on regional and state restrictions in place here. We are currently in Phase 2 of the “WA Roadmap” for restrictions in this period. Phase 3 is expected to be rolled out sometime around the 15th June 2020. The full plan can be seen here.
The basic things you need to be aware of are regarding exemptions to entry and quarantine periods for those travelling from other regions, states, or countries. To qualify to enter Western Australia from interstate or overseas, you need to apply for an exemption from the border closure. To do so you must meet one of the following criteria:
Senior government officials in the course of duties
Members of the Commonwealth Parliament and their staff
Active military personnel on duty in WA
Specialist skills not available in WA
Emergency service workers
Judicial officers or staff members of a court, tribunal or commission
Persons carrying out a function under a Commonwealth law
Health services, when requested by the Chief Health Officer of the Department of Health
FIFO workers and their family members
Urgent and essential medical treatment
Attending a relative’s funeral or visiting a relative who is critically ill or whose death is imminent
Transport, freight, and logistics (not including airline and maritime crew members)
Compassionate grounds
Otherwise seeking approval to enter WA
For those seeking to enter Western Australia from other states, or to travel regionally, you need to apply for a G2G pass which allows Western Australian Police to let you through check points which control travel. You must apply online for this at least 3 days before travel, you must have the paperwork with you when you get to the checkpoint, and you need to have the approval before you leave. Huge fines of $50,000 for individuals or $250,000 for organisations apply if you cannot provide this documentation.
Quarantining with the best of them
Depending on where you are coming from, there is a different set of instructions for quarantining to get to where you want to be in Western Australia.
Entering Australia from overseas: There is a mandatory 14-day quarantine period for all travellers from overseas when arriving at their FIRST Australian destination. This requires the Australian government to provide appropriate accommodation. The government will select where this occurs and may include Rottnest Island or City based hotels. As this is mandatory, the Australian government are providing this. For more information see the Smart Traveller website.
Entering Western Australia from interstate: There is a mandatory 14-day self-isolation period and you will be directed to perform this at your (or your employer’s) own cost. Officials at the border will outline what appropriate accommodations are (This is where our company, New in Town can help you out. Please see the last section for what we can offer).
Entering regional areas within WA: Currently the only biosecurity areas in WA are in the Kimberly and East Pilbara area. You must self-isolate before entering these areas. There are currently 4 regional areas where there are borders where you will be asked if you have any symptoms, and you still need to provide a G2G pass as mentioned above. To plan your journey into these areas (once you have applied for a G2G pass) you can use the Main Roads WA website here and just click on the “Plan your Journey” section.
As mentioned above, Phase 3 of WA’s Roadmap out of restrictions is planned to be implemented some time around the 15th June. So, you need to be aware that this information will change. The WA Government have also created some FIFO specific answers to frequently asked questions on their FAQ website. This covers FIFO workers who live interstate and work in WA, as well as live in WA and work interstate. The list of specialised skills which allow for a travel exemption are also there. Check it out here.
Where to Quarantine while waiting to go back to work
Spend the quarantine period in your own rental property.
So, you have done all your required paperwork, you have planned your travel, and now you have to find somewhere to quarantine once you arrive in WA from interstate. But where? How? This is probably the trickiest part of the whole plan. Never fear! New in Town is here! We have specialised in helping workers and their families find accommodation and services that suit their needs for years.
New in Town can assist individuals or companies in finding appropriate accommodation for their quarantine period, or to temporarily move them to WA to avoid potential issues with repeated re-entry to WA from interstate.
We have a number of rental options available. From fully furnished homes, to homes where we can organise for your belongings to be moved in prior to your arrival. Our business specialises in helping people find the right accommodation and services for their needs in Western Australia, regardless of the duration of their stay.
Everyone’s situation is so unique, so please contact us directly so we can discuss what we can provide you with to suit your needs.